Blueprint Partners Progress Newsletter: November 2007

Brought to you by the National Blueprint Office and the Active for Life Learning Network

In This Issue

ACSM Launches New Program for Exercise Prescriptions
DHHS Releases New Health Literacy Tool
Proposals Requested for Transportation Demonstration Grants
Study Finds that Obesity is World-Wide Problem
Forbes Shares List of America’s Most Sedentary Cities
Coalition Promotes Safe Streets and Active Living
Upcoming Conferences and Events


ACSM Launches New Program for Exercise Prescriptions
The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Medical Association developed a new program designed for physicians to prescribe exercise for their patients. The goal of the program, Exercise is Medicine, is to encourage physicians to record physical activity as a vital sign during patient visits. A recent ACSM survey found that 65 percent of patients would be more interested in exercising to stay healthy if their doctor advised them to do so. A new web site for the program offers educational materials and toolkits for doctors to use in their practices, as well as information for patients and policymakers.

DHHS Releases New Health Literacy Tool
The Quick Guide to Health Literacy and Older Adults was written to provide useful strategies for bridging the communication gap between professionals and the older adults they serve. Health literacy is a serious problem, since people with limited health literacy have more adverse health outcomes including higher hospitalization rates and more emergency visits.

Proposals Requested for Transportation Demonstration Grants
The National Center on Senior Transportation is soliciting proposals from aging/human service agencies, tribal organizations, faith-based organizations, units of state and local government, and other entities interested in developing an innovative demonstration project to increase senior transportation options. Grants ranging from $50,000 – $90,000 will be awarded. Proposals are due on Monday, Dec. 17, 2007. Send proposals via e-mail to

Study Finds that Obesity is World-Wide Problem
Obesity is not just a U.S. epidemic. According to a study of 63 countries from INSERM in France, 40 percent of men and 30 percent of women are now overweight, and 24 percent of men and 27 percent of women are obese. Rates of obesity varied among regions, ranging from a low of 7 percent in men and women in South and East Asia to 36 percent of men and women in Canada.
(Source: Medline Plus)

Forbes Shares List of America’s Most Sedentary Cities
Comparing data on body mass index, physical inactivity, and TV watching habits for 43 of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas, Forbes.Com named Memphis, TN as the most sedentary city. According to BMI scores, 65 percent of the Memphis population is overweight or obese, and abut 30 percent of residents are physically inactive. Residents watch an average of 41 hours of television per week, compared with the national average of 30 percent. Urban sprawl is a common problem, but each city has its own unique challenges. In New Orleans, which ranked #2 on the list, for example, a lack of supermarkets causes people to rely more heavily on corner stores, which mainly stock junk food. The top five most sedentary cities included Memphis TN, New Orleans, LA, Las Vegas, NV, Detroit, MI, and Birmingham, AL.

Coalition Promotes Safe Streets and Active Living
AARP, Active Living by Design, and other organizations are founding members of Complete Streets, a coalition designed to promote the development of streets that offer safe access to all users. Complete streets typically have sidewalks and bike lanes, wide shoulders, plenty of crosswalks, special bus lanes, and audible pedestrian signals. Streets designed for all users encourage walking and bicycling, improve safety, and ease traffic problems. Organizations can join the Coalition to promote its mission. Resources are available on the Coalition web site.

Upcoming Conferences and Events

ICAA Conference on Active Aging 2007
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2007; Orlando, FL

International Stroke Conference 2008
Feb. 20-22, 2008; New Orleans, LA
Sponsor: American Heart Association

International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence
Feb. 20-23, 2008; St. Petersburg, FL
Sponsor: University of Florida

IHRSA 27th International Convention & Trade Show
March 5-8, 2008; San Diego, CA
International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association

American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Summit
March 24-27, 2008; Long Beach, CA

Joint Conference of NCOA and ASA
March 27-30, 2008; Washington, D.C.

2008 AAHPERD National Convention
April 8-12, 2008; Fort Worth, TX


The Blueprint Partners Project is an initiative of the Active Aging Partnership. For more information, contact the Blueprint Partnership Office at the University of Illinois Department of Kinesiology and Community Health.