2002 Images of Aging Photo Contest Winners

2002 05 18 8.GerardDurand Dancing with Dtr-In-Law, Cheryleen1

Mary Ann Balding of Virginia Beach, VA won first place in the National Blueprint Images of Aging photo contest for her photograph of Gerard Durand, age 88, dancing at a wedding in May 2002 with his daughter-in-law, Cheryleen Durand.

Balding won $200 in Human Kinetics Publications for her winning photo. The Images of Aging photo contest was designed to portray older adults in an active lifestyle.

Nicholas Thompson of Pittsburg, PA received second place for his photo of Marion Thompson, age 75, walking in the park with Gwen Thompson, age 1.

Contest entries appear on the website, www.agingblueprint.org, in the role models section. Photos have been provided to Blueprint partner representatives of national organizations, and may be used in publications, presentations and other materials.