Center for Livable Communities


About the Organization:

The Center for Livable Communities is a national initiative of the Local Government Commission (LGC). A nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization of elected officials, city and county staff, and other interested individuals throughout California and other states, the Local Government Commission helps local governments identify and implement solutions to today’s problems.

In 1991, working with some of the country’s leading architects and planners, the LGC developed the Ahwahnee Principles for resource-efficient local and regional land use planning. The Center grew out of the Commission’s work helping local officials implement the Ahwahnee Principles.

Realizing that economic vitality and livability are inextricably linked, the LGC followed up in 1997 by developing the Ahwahnee Principles for Smart Economic Development.

The Center for Livable Communities helps local governments and community leaders be proactive in their land use and transportation planning, and adopt programs and policies that lead to more livable and resource-efficient land use patterns. Center programs can help jurisdictions expand transportation alternatives, reduce infrastructure costs, create more affordable housing, improve air quality, preserve natural resources, conserve agricultural land and open space, and restore local economic and social vitality.

The Center is a partner in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Growth Network.

Contact Info:


Resources on Aging and Physical Activity:

Participation Tools for Better Community and Land Use Planning
Toolkit offers information on using computer simulations and public participation surveys in making planning decisions.

Ten Keys to Walkable/Livable Communities
Article provides ten characteristics of a walkable, livable, healthy community.

Why People Don’t Walk and What City Planners Can Do About it
Barriers and solutions to walkable communities.

New Thinking for a New Transportation Age
Fact sheet on a new approach to transportation problems and solutions.

Economic Benefits of Walkable Communities
Fact sheet on how walkability is a good investment.