National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
About the Organization:
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) is the umbrella organization for the 655 area agencies on aging (AAAs) and more than 230 Title VI Native American aging programs in the U.S. Through its presence in Washington, D.C., N4A advocates on behalf of the local aging agencies to ensure that needed resources and support services are available to older Americans. The fundamental mission of the AAAs and Title VI programs is to provide services which make it possible for older individuals to remain in their home, thereby preserving their independence and dignity.These agencies coordinate and support a wide range of home- and community-based services, including information and referral, home-delivered and congregate meals, transportation, employment services, senior centers, adult day care and a long-term care ombudsman program.
N4A’s primary mission is to build the capacity of its members to help older persons and persons with disabilities live with dignity and choices in their homes and communities for as long as possible.
N4A’s principal activities are to:
Advocate at the state and national levels for the resources and policies that will allow its members to help provide the choices older persons and persons with disabilities need to lead meaningful lives.
Promote – at the local, state, and national levels – the critical roles its members play in helping older persons and persons with disabilities lead dignified, meaningful lives.
Improve the capacity of its members to better serve and represent older persons and persons with disabilities through information, education, training, and technical assistance.
Be a national focal point for its members in the development and implementation of a nationwide system of home- and community-based long term care, building upon the existing aging network.
Facilitate cooperative relationships among the aging network, other public agencies, and private sector organizations to develop an accessible and comprehensive long term care system.
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