President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports


About the Organization:

The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) serves as a catalyst to promote, encourage and motivate the development of physical fitness and sports participation for all Americans of all ages. Established by Executive Order in 1956, the PCPFS is made up of 20 members appointed by the President. Assisted by elements of the U.S. Public Health Service, the PCPFS provides guidance to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on how to get more Americans physically active.

The PCPFS enlists the active support and assistance of individual citizens, civic groups, private enterprise, voluntary organizations, and others in efforts to promote and improve physical activity and fitness of all Americans. PCPFS encourages the development of community recreation, physical fitness, and sports participation programs. It develops and distributes a range of publications to inform the general public of the importance of exercise and the link which exists between regular physical activity and good health.

The PCPFS encourages business, industry, government and labor organizations to establish sound physical activity and fitness programs to reduce the financial and human costs resulting from physical inactivity. The President’s Council assists educational organizations at the national, state and local levels in developing high quality, innovative, comprehensive health and physical education programs which emphasize the importance of exercise for good health.

The PCPFS develops cooperative programs with medical, dental and other similar professional associations to encourage the implementation of sound physical fitness practices and sports medicine services. PCPFS stimulates and encourages research in the areas of sports medicine, physical activity and fitness and sports performance. In addition, the PCPFS serves as the co-lead for the physical activity and fitness focus area of Healthy People 2010 and the physical activity Leading Health Indicator.

Contact Info:

News and Events:

Invitation to become 50th Anniversary Partners to Get America Moving

The President’s Challenge: You’re It, Get Fit
The new web site is a motivational tool to help all Americans become active and fit.

HealthierUS Initiative
The President recommended four keys to live a healthier life. This webpage provides details about each reccomendation and links for more information.

Partnership Promotes Community-Based Activity Programs

Resources on Aging and Physical Activity:

Physical Activity and the Stages of Motivational Readiness for Change Model
Research Digest article demonstrates that different intervention strategies should be applied depending on the individual’s stage of readiness for change.

Making Sense of Multiple Physical Activity Recommendations
Article discusses considerations when choosing which physical guidelines apply for individual use.

Pep Up Your Life
A fitness guide for mid-life and older adults. Contains 35 exercises to increase flexibility, strength and endurance.

Fitness Fundamentals
Learn the basics about fitness and plan a personal workout session.

Link Between Physical Activity and Morbidity and Mortality
A Surgeon General report on health benefits of physical activity and the health burdens that could be reduced through exercise.

Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Coronary Heart Disease

Cost and Consequences of Sedentary Living
An article in the newsletter Research Digest on fighting the war against sedentary lifestyles.

Fitness for Persons with Disabilities
A Research Digest newsletter article.

Physical Activity and Aging: Implications for Health and Quality of Life in Older Persons
An article from Research Digest, Dec. 1998, on the benefits and recommendations for an active lifestyle.

Physical Activity and Health Fact Sheet