Partnership for Prevention
About the Organization:
Creating Communities for Active Aging
One of the Partnership’s goals is to increase physical activity levels among older adults, especially safe biking and walking. Visit Partnership’s “Active Aging” website for free online access to Creating Communities for Active Aging, a guide for communities to develop a strategic plan to increase walking and biking by older adults. Readers will find a process for communities to identify changes needed in their neighborhoods. The report’s strategy catalog offers a multitude of ways that governments and private organizations can encourage older adults to walk and bike.
The Active Aging page also provides resource links. Coming spring and summer 2002: a few issue briefs will offer supplementary information resources to Creating Communites.
Partnership for Prevention has published two new documents on active communities. From the Field: Four Communities Implement Active Aging Programs and Program Evaluation: Measuring the Impact of Active Aging Programs, provide examples of community programs and guidance on how communities can evaluate active aging programs. From the Field describes community walking programs in four communities– Nashville, Tennessee; Sacramento, California; Wheeling, West Virginia; and Largo, Florida. These diverse communities adopted different approaches to active aging: trail and sidewalk development, a media-plus campaign, walking groups, and multi-generational programming. This document examines several programmatic aspects, including funding, staff requirements, community partners, evaluation efforts, outcomes, future plans. This document also describes aspects of the program that were effective, those that were not, and factors influencing effectiveness. This document can be found at :
Program Evaluation: Impact of Active Aging offers a step-by-step approach to evaluation that communities can apply to their own programs. The guidance and examples are tailored to active aging programs and draw from the communities featured in From the Field. This document can be found at:
Contact Info:
Resources on Aging and Physical Activity:
Creating Communities for Active Aging
A guide to developing a strategic plan to increase walking and biking by older adults in local communities.
From the Field: Four Communities Implement Active Aging Programs
Report provides examples of community programs and guidance on how communities can evaluate these efforts.